12 September 2010

DEVIL - LULLAPOP new singiel out now

DEVIL - LULLAPOP new singiel out now
As you have noticed many times in OP1 work only creative and talented people. This time we want to tell You about Ania and her group Lullapop, because Lullapop and OP1 has another reason to feel proud.

30th August was the premiere of Lullapop's new muscic video - Devil. We can only add that the music video was shot in Kaszuby with help of Anias family, friends and our crew.

"Devil" video has been completly produced and sponsored by OP1. We suppose to say that it was a hard job for us...
Let's be honest - It was just a lazy fantastic weekend at the lake with OP1's crew and friends!
See for yourself and enjoy.



lullapop | Teledyski w MySpace

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