14 June 2011


That was a viral project which we have produced all together with ENGINE Agency for client LPP. It was promoting clothes of their brand - CROPP.

Whole commercial campaign was based on Washing-Machines. In this theory they came from outer space and spread funky virus. We have created with Agency Washing-Machine-Hunters (like Ghostbusters) with a special car - who started to hunt for these dengerous things.

In the begining We have started with TV-news.

We have used polish news channel (TVN24) for broadcasting our stupid washing-machine-hunting story. It was of course a point of creativity - not easy-paid commercial.

Results were incredible - second day of action about 7000 facebook users had it on their newswalls.
5th day we have noticed about 500 000 users has watched this only on the Youtube (we coudn't count other websites which could be a little less spectacular) - sixth day TVN has blocked this video on Youtube, but on the others websites it is still running.

Next turn - that was somebody who has seen our action on the street and somehow has recorded it and embed to Youtube.

As a regular action after all we have embed to the network other films showing just "normal" actions with hunting for "Washing-Machine-Man"

Director of the action (OP1) : Tomek Bergmann
Project Manager (ENGINE) : Tomek Okulicz
Editing (OP1) : Jacek Swystun
Author of a Creative Concept and Script : ENGINE Agency - www.engine.pl