26 August 2010

Burn Beat Stage Open`er Festival 2010 & OP1.

The Heineken Open'er Festival is a music festival which takes place in Gdynia. The main organizer is the Alter Art agency, but it tooks name from its sponsor - Heineken.

OP1 is in the middle of producing a series of short coverage internet materials for FireFly Creation Agency (a part of FireFly Group) about a creative initiative organized by Burn Energy Drink. The whole idea was named Burn In Heads and is generally promoting unusual musical collaborations that had never took place before or would have never taken if such a creative project hadn't been brought to light.

We've produced two out of the three materials and the shooting for those took place on Selector Festival in Cracow - D4D and Loco Star collaboration and on Heineken Open'er Festival - Cats and Dogs and Gospel Voices collaboration.

Watch below

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