15 February 2012

BURNin'SNOW Virals

Working witch Coca-Cola company we created two virals for Burn Energy Drink - one of company's brands.

Virals meant to promote BURNin'SNOW - the largest and most spectacular big air competitions in Poland, that took place on 10 and 11 of February in Szczyrk .

We handled that production in totally different way. We bet on creativity, innovation and  independent point of view.  Never before were snowboard competitions advertised that way.

Results were stunning! Audience measurement says it all. First spot acquired 200,000 youtube views only in 10 days! Second one broadcasted only 3 days before competitions managed to attract attention of over 100,000 viewers!

What was so special about those virals ? See for yourself...

10 February 2012

Akcja ZIMA

Once again again again :) working with VIACOM Company OP1 produced TV Shows.
This time not in seaside but in Polish mountains.

That was special edition winter project called "winter operation"

In four days we managed to make 2 episodes of PL TOP TEN, 2 episodes of Chart Surfer, 2 episodes of TOP 50, 4 episodes of IN&OUT, 2 episodes of O CO KAMAN, and finally 2 episodes of VIVA CLUBBING.

Whole project was exacting nevertheless we had so much fun!

OP1 crew spend 4 days in Zakopane snowboarding, skiing, sleighing, bathing in thermal pools, running in snow, making snowmans and iglos and partying along with all VIVA channel presenters and directors.

Take a look at some  pictures we took among that realization.

Chart Surfer with Daro

VIVA CLUBBING with Natalia
In&Out with Olek, Natalia, Kasia and Daro