18 May 2010


 We will be there- FESTIWAL POLSKICH FILMÓW FABULARNYCH 24-29.05.2010

You can find our STAND with biggest HELICAM, our hostesses and technician answering all the questions and 52' screen with all kind of helicam's projects in the FOYER of the main screen in the Music Theater Gdynia.

During whole festival Helicam will have two demonstrations flights (wednesday, saturday) so You can check out how this thing works

New HELICAM Revoflite chopter in army of OP1

We fight for a long long time with aerial shooting with Revoflite system. These days we proudly present new HELICAM. In the whole army of our helicams this one is 5th!

Weight with the camera about 35kg
Allowed weight of the camera - UP TO 15kg! (35mm, RED ONE)
Time in the air: 35min!

If You are interested how does it work just asked in our office - phones are at the main website OP1.pl

Here U can see HELICAM for such cameras like SONY XDCAM HD EX1 and HDV Z1 cameras

05 May 2010

Showreel 2010

We proudly present our latest showreel OP1 2010


OP1 - Outpost one Entertainment Showreel 2010 from OP1 on Vimeo.

Olimpijskie Mobilne Stop Cafe - with LIVE Agency

As we mentioned earlier, we made PR video materials from "Olimpijskie Mobilne Stop Cafe" for LIVE - event agency. We shown you before first teaser materials, and now as we finished whole post production process you can see the rest of it.
Enjoy watching.

Olimpijskie Mobilne Stop Cafe from Asia on Vimeo.

Multimedial Fountain in Warsaw

A new beautiful and spectacular multimedial fountain is being built in a hearth of a Warsaw.
OP1 became a part of this project and is responsible for creating films about Warsaw City, which will be shown on a water curtains.

We will show Warsaw, as you newer seen it before - so wait for results.